University of Hawaii at Manoa - OLLI Program
This page outlines your Lumens training plan. Please note that we will generally follow this schedule but may re-order the topics based on your needs. In addition, links to these recordings may become inactive one year after your implementation. If you would like to keep them past that point, we recommend downloading them.
Training Resources:
Schedule board: (go here to view training and implementation schedule)
Question board: (go here to ask any questions during the implementation)
To-Do Board: (go here to see a list of outstanding tasks)
Scheduled Training Sessions
Lumens Demo (08/16): Lumens - UHM Kickoff Watch Now
Lumens Demo (08/16): Lumens Demo Watch Now
Workbook: No workbook
- Student: Add Student Profile, Student Self-registration, Review Student Dashboard
- Instructor: Edit Instructor Profile, View/print Rosters & Sign-in Sheets, Email Students
Session 1 (08/24): Workbook 1 Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 1
- System Options: System Preferences, Financial Policies, Instructional Calendar
- Financial Management: Accounting Codes
- Room Management: Locations, Rooms
- Instructors: Instructor Profiles, Job Titles, Education Levels and Company Types
Session 2 (08/25): Workbook 1-2 Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 1
- Course Management: Catalogs, Categories/Subcategories, Courses, Classes
Session 3 (08/26): Workbook 2 Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 2
- System options: Template Management, Optional Field Set Up, List Value Mgmt,
Session 4 Part 1(08/31): Workbook 1-3a Watch Now / Workbook 1-3b Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 1
- Student Management: Student Profiles, Memberships
- Registration: Lottery, Class Registration, Payment Methods
Session 5 (09/02): Workbook 2 Continued Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 2
- Course Management: Discounts, Lesson Release Times, In-house Course Creation – Online and Hybrid
- Students: Members Profiles, Email Students, Student Confirms, Catalog Requests
- Registrations: Late Registrations, Cancels, Transfers, Waiting Lists
- Instructors: Email and Confirmations
- Class Information: Go/No Go Overview, Instructor Checklist, Status Change, Record Grades/Attendance/CEUs, Release Forms
Workbook: Power User Workbook
- System Options: User Roles, Power User Settings
Session 7 (MM/DD): Power User Continued Watch Now
Workbook: Power User Workbook
- System Options: Staff Profiles, Instructional Calendar, Template Management
- Course Management: Editing Course/Class Category/Subcategory, Edit Class Term
- Registration: Cancel/Transfer – Edit a Refund Method
- Reports: Deleting Custom Reports
Session 8 (MM/DD): Workbook 3 Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 3
- System Options: Tracking settings, Inactive/Delete, Dashboard Admin
- Course Management: Course Series, Evaluations
- Reports: Groups, Features, Filters, Scheduled, Custom
- Registration: Cart Reservations, Over/Under Payments, Split Payments
- Financial Management: Credit Vouchers, Gateways
Session 9 (MM/DD): Instructor Management Watch Now
Workbook: Instructor Management
- Program Overview: Introduction
- Instructor Profiles: Instructor Profiles, Earnings and Payments
- Instructor Contracts: Default Templates, Create and Print Contracts
- Reports: Instructor Reports
Session 10 (MM/DD): Website Training Watch Now
Workbook: Website Configuration Workbook
- Style Sheets: Main Layout Options, CSS and Style Sheets
- Style Configuration: Colors and Fonts
- Graphics: Banner Options; Primary, Background, and Other Graphics
- Menus: Public Menu Structures, All Menus
- Footers: Pre-Footer, Footer, and Branding Footer
- Controls: User Controls, Learner Controls, Search Controls
- Social Media: Social Media Additions
Additional Trainings/Work Sessions
Production Timeline Check-In (09/03): Watch Now
Topic (MM/DD): Watch Now
Topic (MM/DD): Watch Now