Mar 6: Shall We Dance George & Ira Gershwin's Music help Fred & Ginger dance and sing while "Walking the Dog" onboard the ship plus on roller skates & many familiar tunes! Whether to wed and then publicly divorce?
Mar 13: The Barkleys of Broadway Fred & Ginger's only color film together & now they're married with a different set of problems!
Mar 28: The Anatomy of a Dancer Gene Kelly's relatives and co-workers share life-stories of this study of the driven genius (He was always a perfectionist!) who also re-energized the art of dance on screen!
Apr 3: On The Town Frank Sinatra learns all he knows about dancing from Gene Kelly's dancing!
Apr 10: American In Paris classic Gershwin score & the young Leslie Caron earns many Oscars!
Apr 17: Singin' In the Rain With Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor, how can you NOT have a classic!